
M2008 Wheeled Explorer Case

SKU: 121-002


The M2008 Explorer Case provides an easy way to transport the heavy 145kN M2008 Testing Kit. With its telescopic handle and tough wheels it makes getting around even the roughest of sites quicker and easier.

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We bought a Hydrajaws tester because testing equipment is mandatory for building facades and we use it for mortar anchors in natural stone facades. Hydrajaws testers are flexible, convenient, and reliable.

Natural Stone Façade Company, Germany

What convinced me to try the Hydrajaws Bluetooth Digital System was the traceability. Being a company that install anchors etc. it is critical to have results and reports that are un-questionable.

A Butcher, Correct Safety Australia

We use Hydrajaws testers in our organisation and are very happy with the product and support we receive. Many years’ experience and development by experienced Hydrajaws team means that their equipment is optimised and fit for purpose in this constantly evolving market, with digitalisation in mind. Recent upgrade to digital gauges and Bluetooth system offers more reliability and traceability and is a welcomed change for us all. What is also reassuring for us is the support we receive.

Mirka Valovicova, Technical Manager, fischer fixings UK Ltd