Over 200 Subscribers now using the Hydrajaws Bluetooth Digital System

14 Oktober 2021

Hydrajaws is pleased to announce that the number of subscribers to our Bluetooth Digital System has reached over 200 – more than double in the last ten months.

Since its launch in April 2020, the powerful pull-test results management system has gone from strength to strength reaching 35+ countries from all corners of the globe.

Here’s what people are saying:

“I would recommend the Hydrajaws Bluetooth Digital System because it is a game changer and a big time saver for doing the reports” – M Walker, Allfasteners USA

“The main challenge with our previous method of recording test results was that we had to hand calculate every test we’d done, now with the digital gauge and the Hydrajaws Bluetooth Digital System it does it all for us.”-
O Frost, Construction Fixing Systems UK

“What convinced me to try the Hydrajaws Bluetooth Digital System was the traceability. Being a company that installs anchors etc. it is critical to have results and reports that are un-questionable.” A Butcher, Correct Safety Australia

“Yes, I would recommend the system. If you have field staff performing the work, it is beneficial to set up all the required testing before they get to the site.” J Hughes, Hughes Engineering, LLC USA

“I was convinced to try the system because the resulting form matches the Australian VicRoads Standard. It is also a time saver and a large amount of data can be recorded with no risk of losing it.” Sujan KC, John Holland (Metro Tunnel) Australia

“The main benefits of Hydrajaws Bluetooth Digital System are the hub and the detailed reports. I would definitely recommend it!” N Wilson, Gable Fall Safe Ltd UK

Here’s how it works:

The Bluetooth Digital System and App digitally record your pull-test results in real-time by generating a report with result graphs, photos, and notes. The result graphs not only show that the test load was achieved but also that it withstood the test load for a specified length of time. This vital information is useful to prove compliance with the testing elements of BS 8539:2012 and BS 7883:2019.

Proof of Results

The digital reports are stored safely in the cloud on a server system that encrypts the data and timestamps it ensuring that it can’t be tampered with, reassuring clients and managers about the integrity of their data. The data is also available for the lifetime of the fixing.

Project Management

From the dashboard, project managers have a full view of their team and their equipment, and can manage job creation, reports, client communication, user access, and equipment servicing and repairs.

We are offering a 30-day FREE trial then the option to pay £30 (monthly rolling plan, cancel and re-join anytime) or £299 annually (best value). Simply sign up via the dashboard on your browser using dashboard.hydrajaws.co.uk

If you have any enquiries about these subjects, or wish to hear about a specific topic, then contact us at [email protected].