Bluetooth App

Hydrajaws App – Digital Reporting System

The Hydrajaws Digital Reporting System allows on-site pull tests to be automatically recorded and compiled into a digital report using the Hydrajaws App on a mobile phone or tablet device.

Report from on site

Using the Hydrajaws app job details can be set up before going on-site and used again and again to save valuable work time. A digital report is generated on site which will include all test information including a pass or fail result, a visual results graph, fixing details, site location coordinates, date and time. Notes, images and photos taken on-site can also be added.

Prove your test results

The app captures and records the digital report and test data and saves it directly to the cloud. From there it can be emailed directly to a customer or company manager or stored for retrieval throughout the lifetime of the fixing. Our constant development and the latest digital technology ensure this data is safe, immune to tampering, and indisputable. This will reassure customers and managers about the integrity of your results.

Sign up or request a demo


  • Unchangeable digital results are recorded with the time, date, and GPS location of each test giving indisputable proof of test results.
  • Workflow is streamlined by pre-setting job details before arriving on site.
  • Graphs and photos can be viewed with clients to explain why tests may not have met the required standard.
  • Automated processes allow for quicker testing and less setup time, especially on sites with many identical repetitive tests to perform.
  • This system allows for more accountability for time spent on site.
  • Test evidence can be provided electronically from site to clients in a completed report, saving time on unnecessary paperwork (requires WiFi or Mobile Network Signal).

Not sure how this system can work for you? Request a demo and we’ll arrange a convenient time to come and demonstrate how it works.


Before purchasing a new device, please check it meets ALL specifications required.


Android Devices System:

Android Version 7 OS onwards compatible mobile device with GPS. Bluetooth: Low Energy, Smart or Bluetooth 4.0+. For installation of software a data enabled SIM with email function or a connection to the Google Play Store is required. For emailing reports, a data enabled SIM with email function is required


Apple Devices

Any Apple iPod, iPhone or iPad with operating system of iOS 11 onwards. Bluetooth: Low Energy, Smart or Bluetooth 4.0+, GPS and access to the Apple app store. For emailing reports, a data enabled SIM with email function is required Hydrajaws Bluetooth System Terms and Conditions




Utilizziamo i tester Hydrajaws nella nostra organizzazione e siamo molto soddisfatti del prodotto e del supporto che riceviamo. Il team di Hydrajaws ha molti anni d’esperienza nello sviluppo del prodotto; ciò permette alla società di assicurare che le loro apparecchiature siano ottimizzate e adattate allo scopo su un mercato in continua evoluzione, tenendo sempre presente la digitalizzazione. I recenti aggiornamenti agli indicatori digitali e al sistema Bluetooth garantiscono una maggiore affidabilità e tracciabilità. Un cambiamento gradito per tutti noi. Ciò che ci rassicura inoltre è il supporto che riceviamo.

Mirka Valovicova, Technical Manager, fischer fixings UK Ltd

Abbiamo acquistato un tester Hydrajaws perché è obbligatorio usare apparecchi di prova per le facciate degli edifici e lo utilizziamo per gli ancoraggi di malta nelle facciate in pietra naturale. I tester Hydrajaws sono flessibili, convenienti ed affidabili.

Natural Stone Façade Company, Germania

What convinced me to try the Hydrajaws Bluetooth Digital System was the traceability. Being a company that install anchors etc. it is critical to have results and reports that are un-questionable.

A Butcher, Correct Safety Australia