The new hydrajaws bluetooth digital system (v4) is launching now.

21 Aprile 2020
This new system allows on-site pull tests to be automatically recorded and compiled into a digital report using the Hydrajaws Bluetooth Digital App on a mobile phone or tablet device. These reports can be sent directly to clients or managers and are stored in the cloud to be accessed remotely anywhere on a browser in a users own company dashboard.
The cost is £30 per month or £299 for a 12-month subscription and a free trial is available when signing up.
Sign up by going to and filling in the details.
A licence must be assigned before the app can be used. Please see the Hydrajaws Bluetooth Manual for full instructions on signing up and assigning licences.
System requirements:
Android: Android version 7 OS onwards.
Apple Devices: Operating system of iOS 11 onwards.
If you have any enquiries about these subjects, or wish to hear about a specific topic, then contact us at [email protected].